Benua Indah

Formerly known as PT. Samudera Indah Pratama and PT. Buana Indah Gemaca, PT Benua Indah Gemaca was first established in the year 1994, and has been conducting its agency and shipping agency services in the coal and nickel ore businesses.

Safety, security, quality and compliance are our watch words.

Our experienced, hardworking teams are there for you 24-hours a day, seven days a week and all our port agency staff have extensive local knowledge, a ‘right-first- time’ attitude and a willingness to go the extra mile.

Our commitment has always been to build trust and maintain strong commitment to our clients, and we believe through our commitment and well-trained professionals, we have managed to maintain our best services in all these years.


Head Office

Wisma Mitra Sunter Block C2
1st Floor Room 01 Jl. Yos Sudarso
Kav. 89 Boulevard Mitra Sunter
Jakarta Utara 14350 Indonesia

Phone : +62 21 6514730 (hunting)
Email :

Branch Office

Cigading. Jl. Sunan Gunung Jati No. 01, Tegalratu, Kec. Ciwandan Kota Cilegon - Banten 42445

Logistics Centre

Jl. Kosambi - Cimahi Dusun Kebon Kacang, Kel. Cimahi, Kec. Klari, Kab. Karawang - Jawa Barat 41371